Monday 16 October 2017

This is a Diary Film

The above is my video diary that was a project set in the first week of the course. The video was a way of capturing experiences every day in a new place and documenting it as a timeline. The film was a way of representing myself, thoughts and personality through what I chose to film. A lot of my shots were taken by the sea as this was a place that I really enjoyed exploring in my first couple of weeks so I think the piece represents my personality.

Originally, I had used a track throughout my piece but then decided after the screening that the song didn't fit the piece well and I had really only put the song in the diary because one of my shots contained the same song and I wanted to fade that and then continue with the track, although it was interesting as a form of technique it didn't fit the mood of the piece. I feel that actually after removing the song, the video diary has a nice silence to it that reflects on the shots and that it's not always necessary to use music. 

I want my final film for the representation module in a way be very similar to the video diary, as I want my piece to explore the emotions I felt coming to a new place. 

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